Thursday, January 27, 2011

Roundup, week of January 30th

What Happened Last Week?

We talked Physical Activity! Are you getting any? Could you do more? Remember that this will help with weight loss AND weight maintenance.

Check out all of the awards this week: 5 pound stars for Kate, Paula, Erin, Danette, Althea, Judy, Teresita, Jody and Anita. 10 pound stars for Maria, Lori and Barbara. Sarah got her 15 pound star, Karyn her 30, and Bonnie reached 50 pounds lost. On top of all of that, Rachel reached her 5% target, and Mary reached her 10% target. And last, but certainly not least, Susan reached Lifetime! That's a lot of success.

So What's Coming Up?

As our meetings have swollen with the influx of new members, some of you may be hitting a road block for the very first time. We'll discuss setbacks and how to handle them. Here's a preview - they are NORMAL, and you are not alone.

Thought for the Week

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. - Aristotle

Weekly Recipe: Recipes for Health

The food section at The New York Times is top notch. They have frequent posts about all sorts of healthy ingredients, and some great tasting recipes.

So this week's link is a cornucopia of recipes: Recipes for Health

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Roundup, week of January 23rd

What Happened Last Week?

I absolutely urged you to keep those Weekly PointsPlus Allowance in mind when you're feeling a little deprived. Remember, everyone's allowed to indulge a little. So use them - it's OK!

Sunday group: I absolutely apologize for not being there this past week. I was taking a UCSD Extension course that gave us incorrect registration information. Instead of just all day Saturday, I found out it was BOTH days last weekend. I scrambled, and bless Kim's heart for hopping in at the last minute to lead the meeting. I can't wait to see you all this weekend and catch up!

Celebrations for this past week include a first five pound star for Lisa and Connie. Pamela hit her 20 pound star, and Susie got her 45 pound star. We also gave 10% awards to Pamela and Karyn on Wednesday morning. You're all making great progress!

So What's Coming Up?

Over the past 3 weeks we've been going over some of the pillars of the PointsPlus program. This week we'll visit the final component - activity. Remember, it's not about sweaty drudgery, it's about moving more. We'll discuss how you can find something you like and stick with it as a lifestyle.

Thought for the Week

Don't get discouraged; it is often the last key in the bunch that opens the lock. ~ Unknown

Weekly Recipe: Wilted Greens & Wild Rice Soup

A bowl of this bad boy is going in my lunch every day next week.

Wilted Greens & Wild Rice Soup with Romano Crisps

Yum. Thanks, eTools!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Roundup, week of January 16th

What Happened Last Week?

We talked about how to keep from being HUNGRY all the time by using Power Foods. Let us know if you tried anything that was really satisfying this week, won't you?

We gave out lots of first five pound stars this week: Maria, Vicki, Tiffany, Sandy, Alicia, Laura, Lisa and Brittani all got them! We also gave Nick his 15 pound star, and celebrated Karyn's 25 pound star.

As a reminder - if you'd like us to not celebrate your victories in the meeting room, please let us know when you weigh in. While we love to share success with the group, we know that not everyone is comfortable doing that. It's up to you.

So What's Coming Up?

Stocking up on Power Foods is a great way to handle physical satisfaction, but sometimes you need to deal with getting mental satisfaction. That's where the Weekly PointsPlus Allowance comes into play. Ditch the all or nothing mentality and learn how to live with your favorite foods!

Thought for the Week

We cannot do everything at once, but we can do something at once. - Calvin Coolidge

Weekly Recipe: Quinoa, White Bean and Kale Stew

This is a recipe from my newest favorite cookbook, Appetite for Reduction. I made this stew last week, and was pleased to find that the author posted this recipe as a teaser for the cookbook on her site.

Quinoa, White Bean & Kale Stew


Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Roundup, week of January 9th

What Happened Last Week?

We enrolled a total of 38 people in meetings that I led, that's what happened last week! If any of you are reading this having just joined, welcome! I hope you're getting used to the PointsPlus plan and using tracking to your advantage this week.

This week we celebrated first five pound stars for Anne, Barbara, Ashley, Antoinette, Sarah, Olga and Pamela. Gina got a ten pound star, Cherie got her 5% award, and Pamela (a different one) celebrated with a 16 week Stay and Succeed charm.

So What's Coming Up?

When you're hungry, it's hard to make smart food choices and stay on track with weight loss. This week we'll discuss how Power Foods can help you be satisfied and in control. Be prepared to tell us what your favorite Power Food is!

Thought for the Week

The person who removes a mountain begins by carrying away small stones. ~ Chinese proverb

Weekly Recipe: Five-Spice Glazed Salmon with Savoy Cabbage

If I posted every healthy link I've seen in the past 5 days my fingers would be ready to fall off! The Washington Post is one of the publications that has a really great food and health section, and they've got a ton of stuff up right now.

I'm not usually a fish person, but every once in awhile I have to post something I typically WOULDN'T eat, otherwise all you'd ever get from me is one pot vegetarian stews. Not that there's anything wrong with those, but I know I have patterns, is what I'm saying.

Five-Spice Glazed Salmon with Savoy Cabbage

Sure there's a lot of fat in this recipe, but salmon's got the good stuff. Enjoy!