Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Weeks #18-19: Kindness & Motivation

The topic on being your own best friend left me a little speechless, and so I didn't have any thoughts to present on the week before last's topic. I'm sure this is in part due to the fact that I am one to speak to myself in a way that might make you blush.

So another week has passed, a week in which we talked about staying motivated. When I look at the progression of topics, it strikes me that somebody back at corporate headquarters in New York knows what they're doing! I mean, if I've just given myself a mental lashing over eating too many cookies, what sort of shape am I going to be in mentally? Am I really going to be motivated to hit the gym, shop for healthy groceries and say no to ordering dessert?

At this morning's meeting, a member shared that she managed to get out of the death spiral of unhealthy behaviors and negative talk by turning to her support team. Those are the people in her life who will tell it to her straight. Now, that can mean stuff like tough love, but also the reassurances that no, you're not a freak, you're not a loser, and you'll TOTALLY get back on track. Do you have a support team? If not, where can you find one? Could it be people you know in person, or would an online team (Weight Watchers message boards, for example) work? Maybe both!

Once you've developed Team You, you'll find it's probably easier to keep a positive state of mind. And when you're happy about this process (or about things in general), you're probably going to be more effective and productive.

So what's your goal? Have you pictured yourself at it? How it will feel? Won't it be great? With the tools you have at your disposal, and your support team - it's a matter of WHEN, not IF.

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