Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Weekly Recipe: Wheat Berry Minestrone

I feel like I go in waves when it comes to what my favorite whole grain is. (Which, by the way, that probably makes me a complete Healthy Eating Nerd - who on this planet has a "favorite whole grain" for goodness sake?) Just last week I was looking for some recipes that use wheat berries. If you've never had them, they are about the same size as barley, or a really fat grain of rice. They're dark brown, and have a wonderful, chewy texture.

So yesterday, as I download the new WW Mobile Beta for Android, what should pop up as a featured recipe, but a soup with wheat berries! Perfect timing. And this one uses the crock pot, which is one of my favorite kitchen gadgets. So here goes:

Slow Cooker Wheat Berry Minestrone

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