Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Emotional vs Physical Hunger

Since I didn't have enough copies this morning, I said I'd post the contents of this week's hand-out. Thanks to Doreen Virtue's Constant Craving A-Z

Emotional Hunger:

Is sudden – one minute you’re not thinking about food, the next minute you are.

Is for a specific food – pizza, ice cream, you’re craving it, and it’s the only thing that will do.

Is above the neck – the craving begins in the mouth and the mind. You can’t stop thinking about that food!

Is urgent – it urges you to eat RIGHT NOW to ease the emotion.

Is paired with an upsetting emotion – or any emotion, really. You’re stressed? You’re bored? You want to eat!

Involves automatic or absent-minded eating – it feels like something else is powering your hand-to-mouth action, or you look down and notice you’ve reached the bottom of that bag of potato chips.

Does not notice or stop eating, in response to fullness – since it stems from the desire to cover up a feeling, it will often continue long after the stomach is full.

Feels guilty about eating – since it wasn’t motivated by fueling the body, it’s often followed by a “why did I do that?” moment.

Physical Hunger:

Is gradual – you get progressive clues that now it’s time to eat.

Is open to different foods – you may have preferences, but you’re flexible. You’re open to alternatives.

Is based in the stomach – you feel the growling and gnawing.

Is patient – it prefers if you eat now, but it’ll be okay if it’s not right this instant.

Occurs out of physical need – it’s been awhile since you last ate. Hey, your body needs fuel to get you through the day!

Involves deliberate choices and awareness of the eating – you consciously choose to sit down for a meal, or to finish (or not) what’s on your place. You’re aware of the action of eating.

Stops when full – since it stems from the desire to fuel the body, as soon as that intention is fulfilled, eating can stop.

Realizes eating is necessary – there’s no guilt or shame, since you need food to survive. Food…you can’t live without it!

Remember...don't use food as a band-aid!

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