Sunday, August 30, 2009

August Update: Goals 2009

August sure got away from me quickly, so it's time for another update on my 2009 goals.

1. The weight thing

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I was actually doing pretty well in August, and lost 0.4 pounds 3 weeks in a row. So there I was at the scale yesterday, anxiously awaiting the results, thinking I'd have some progress to report.


In the past 7 days I gained 4.4 pounds.

Now you know me, I'm a numbers person. This means (in theory) that I took in 15,840 more calories than I burned. I guarantee you this did not happen - I'm pretty sure I'd remember that. Therefore, we're talking some sort of water weight thing. And this is the same thing I'll tell you guys at the scale. You don't just gain multiple pounds of fat (or muscle) that quickly.

So I just have to take this for what it is, stay focused, and boy oh boy should next week's weigh in be a doozy. I hope. I'll let you know.

2. The diet soda thing

I think when I started this goal in January, I honestly thought I'd be drinking virtually zero diet soda. So I think I probably drink more diet soda than I originally figured I would be. But compared to the 32 ounce fountain drink I had every day (and sometimes more) my intake is still well below what it once was. I don't subscribe to the "diet soda is pure evil" camp, so I still think I'm doing just fine.

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