Thursday, January 28, 2010

Roundup, week of January 31st

What Happened Last Week?

Critical weight loss skill #4 - managing emotional eating! Remember that every action has a positive intention. Just make sure the action is consistent with all of your other goals, as well.

Lots of stuff celebrated this week including 5 pound stars for Amanda, Gretchen, Jacquelyn, Valerie, Chuck, Emily and Lynn. We also gave stars out to Pam (25), Estella (25), Lynda (45) and Candy (85). Fun stuff!

So What's Coming Up?

Critical weight loss skill #5 is RESILIENCE. If you can be strong enough and persistent enough, there's no way you won't reach your goals. Visit us this week to find out how to make that happen.

Oh god it's Girl Scout cookie time!

Thanks to my Facebook peeps I know we're approaching that time of year. Check out the nutrition information before you eat them, won't you?

Thought for the Week

Lose it the way you intend to live it.

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