Saturday, May 02, 2009

April Update: Goals 2009

Another month down, this year is really flying by! So it's time for another look at my progress on my goals for 2009.

1. Get back down to 130

April starting weight: 137.0
April ending weight: 138.6
Net Gain: 1.6 pounds

Okay, not amused, but not homicidal. Despite being under the weather and not working out much, I feel like the last week has been pretty good on the food front. Those of you who remember my previous monthly updates know that I've been extremely stressed by my work situation. Well, that changed in April, since yesterday was my last day at my full-time job, and Monday I will start a new one. So in April I was in a much better headspace, and didn't have to deal with emotional eating as much.

So today's weigh-in was just one of those unexplainable weigh-ins. I was totally sure yesterday that I'd see a good loss this week, because I was feeling pretty good in my clothing. WELCOME TO MY WORLD, RIGHT? Yeah, I have those weeks at the scale, too. So I'm going to keep it in perspective and not worry about it. Besides, I've got a shiny new job to focus on now!

2. Lay off the diet soda

I honestly stopped keeping close track of my soda drinking this month. I'm still for the most part doing without it unless we eat away from home, so I'm still satisfied with this. It almost seems like a non-issue now. Good thing, because I'm still stymied by goal #1!

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