Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Seven Days of Vacation

We didn't make it through all seven days of the vacation discussion in some of this week's meetings, so I had a request to post the rhymes from each day. Here we go....

Vacation Day #1
I'll be touring in a city
With museums on every street.
The question that I have is
"Oh my God! Where will I eat??"

Vacation Day #2
I'll be hiking up a mountain
Awesome views from all around.
But what matters even more
Is where can food and drinks be found?

Vacation Day #3
I'll be traveling on a bus
For six hours in my seat.
While I'm trapped inside the bus
I know I'll want to eat!

Vacation Day #4
I'll be sailing on a cruise
With activities night and day.
My only worry is
Will I eat the whole buffet?

Vacation Day #5
I'll be staying in a spa
With healthy, power foods for all.
But if at night I'm hungry
Is there candy down the hall?

Vacation Day #6
I'll be staying in a condo
Sharing breakfast, dinner, lunch.
How will I share food
And not O.D. on Cap'n Crunch?

Vacation Day #7
Today my trip is ending
I'll n longer have to roam.
But now I'm freaking out
Because I have no food at home!

Well this completes my list
Of why vacations make me gray.
But I'd like to add a plan
That might be helpful every day:

If I start to eat a meal
And find that overeating wins...
I can stop. And I can change.
As the second course begins.

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