Thursday, September 02, 2010

Roundup, week of September 5th

What Happened Last Week?

Regular physical activity has been shown to be a critical part of a lifestyle of weight maintenance. Hate activity? Well...have you tried them all? Find something you love, and scheduling it won't be a burden.

This week we celebrated five pound stars for Cathy and Tamara, a 10 pound star for Catherine, a 15 pound star for Lisa, and 20 pound stars for Virginia and Scarlette. Alleen checked in at 25 pounds down, and Emily reached 35 pounds lost. Josh was our Biggest Loser at 90 pounds on Sunday! We also celebrated 5% targets for Linda and Arika.

So What's Coming Up?

Since you're all rocking the weight loss so well, it's a nice coincidence that our Third Annual Lose for Good campaign is back! Your pounds lost cause Weight Watchers to make donations to charities that fight hunger. Plus, we'll be doing local food drives. This year I'll be having Traveling Tote Bags that you can fill with food for the needy! And if you're stuck on the scale, recharge your weight-loss efforts by knowing that you're helping others.

Note for Monday: Remember that we will be closed for the Labor Day holiday. If you'd like to join me on Sunday, I lead an 11:30 meeting at our El Cajon center - doors open at 11:00am! It's not that far from Lemon Grove - just off the 8 at the Johnson exit. Don't worry, you'll get along real well with them.

Thought for the Week

Failure should be our teacher, not our undertaker. Failure is
 delay, not defeat. It is a temporary detour, not a dead end. Failure is
 something we can avoid only by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being 

~ Denis Waitley

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