Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Roundup, week of June 27th

What Happened Last Week?

Estimation is the art of weight loss. SetPoints, using eTools on the go, taking visual cues and using Points values for similar foods are all ideas that can help you figure out how to count something. There's lots of information out there, so use it to your advantage!

Celebrations this week to out to Tasha and Virginia for 10 pounds, and to Lorna for 15 pounds. Marc got his Stay and Succeed Charm as well.

5K Charms!!! They're in at Clairemont and I gave a few out this morning. Hopefully on Monday we'll have some at Lemon Grove so we can finish celebrating our Walk-It Challenge achievements.

Thanks to this week's Monday meeting. We had a wonderful discussion about some of the pretty deep mental things that go on when we're losing weight and changing our lifestyles. At one point I just stood back and watched the conversation go back and forth across the room as you related to one another. Let me tell you, THAT is why I love this job! Nice work, everyone. That's why the meetings are so important.

So What's Coming Up?

Now that it's summertime you might find that your normal schedule has been disrupted. Does this mean your weight loss efforts get disrupted, too? If so, you need to check out a meeting this week and see how you can take these disruptions in stride. Vacations, summer break, they all are a normal part of life that we have to adapt to!

Special congratulations go out this week to Amber and Dan in the Wednesday meeting. This Saturday they will be tying the knot and then they're going to be having a FABULOUS time in Hawaii. Have fun you crazy kids!

Thought for the Week

The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work. Hard work is the price we must pay for success. You can accomplish anything if you're willing to pay the price. - Vince Lombardi

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