Thursday, March 25, 2010

Roundup, week of March 28th

What Happened Last Week?

Not the first time you've tried to lose weight? Join the club! But reflecting back on what happened last time can give you the knowledge to help fight it this time. Learning from experience is a powerful thing - do what you know worked before, trash what didn't!

This week started off with some great celebrations, including a 15 pound star for Marc, a 20 pound star for Tauni, and a 35 pound star for Ginger. Carolyn wrapped up the week for us by receiving her 15 pound star on Wednesday. Nice going!

Are you getting the awards you want? If your weight loss is stalled, talk to us about it. Bring in a journal for me to review - you are keeping one, right?

So What's Coming Up?

Having a buddy can be helpful to keep you on track. This week we'll discuss how to find a buddy, and what having one can bring to the table. If you have friends who are wondering about Weight Watchers, this would be the perfect time to bring them with you! Visitors are always welcome to sit in on a meeting and see if it's right for them.

Kroc Fit!

Many of you Lemon Grove folks know about the Kroc Center when it comes to working out. Tip of the hat goes to Trista for bringing me a flier for their upcoming Kroc Fit Challenge. See the Weight Watchers logo there? We happen to be starting a meeting at the center on Saturday mornings, which I tell you NOT because I want you to start going there! But know it's an option if you can't see me on Monday nights. Anyway, the Kroc Fit challenge looks like a neat way to get you motivated to exercise and lose weight in a team setting. It does have a price tag, but it might be the jumpstart you need! I have a few of the handouts - which has a registration form, so if you're interested, let me know and I'll pass one along.

Thought for the Week

"Being defeated is often temporary; giving up makes it permanent." - Marilyn vos Savant

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