Saturday, June 27, 2009

June Update: Goals 2009

Another month almost done, and here we are halfway through the year. Let's take a look at the progress I'm making on my goals for the year, shall we?

So last month I changed my first goal somewhat to break it down into smaller pieces. I said that by the end of June I'd like to weigh 136. Okay, it's not exactly the end of June, but as of this morning I'm pretty much holding steady - I weighed 138.6 this morning.

I kept track on a calendar this month how things were going, and it's clear that early in the month I was a little flaky with my workouts. I'm suspecting it's getting routine, so I'm going to think about how to shake it up a little. I also noticed that while I was eating okay, it's still not tight enough to take me into weight loss mode. I'm clearly eating well enough for maintenance - I have been all year, really.

So I haven't decided yet, but I'm probably going to try one of two things this month, which are closely related. I'm either going to go back to really focusing on my hunger/fullness scale, or I'm going to dive all the way in and do the Simply Filling technique. (If that doesn't sound familiar, you'd better bust out your Book 6: Keep on Tracking and actually read it!)

As for the goal of drinking less diet soda, I'm still doing okay. But I must confess that a couple of days this past week I popped down to the 7 Eleven next door to work and grabbed a bottle. Better nip that in the bud before I'm back to doing it every day! Just think of the money I save by not drinking it, really - that's pretty much the motivation I need.

I hope you all are doing well on your own goals. I know that summer gets busy, and you have a billion things to do. But if you lose focus it's going to slow you down. Keep coming to meetings to stay "in the game" this summer.

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