Wednesday, December 31, 2008

My Goals for 2009

Since this week we've been talking about what we'd like to achieve in 2009, I thought I'd share with you what I'm going to be working on this next year.

Oh goodness, I can't believe I'm about to type this....

1. Get back down to 130 - before the holidays I wasn't quite there, but thanks to the last couple of weeks, I'm about 5 or 6 pounds higher than I'd like to be. My official Weight Watchers goal weight is 140 pounds, so I'm still underneath that, but this number is my Personal Goal.

2. Lay off the diet soda - this morning's meeting has inspired me to give this a shot. As we talked about earlier today, I bought myself a little pocket calendar and some stickers (stars, hearts and happy faces). Every day I don't drink diet soda, I get a sticker on the calendar. We'll see how covered up it gets!

Feel free to ask me about these from time to time. What I'd like to do is use this blog as a way to be accountable to you, for purely selfish reasons of course. I think it would be good at the end of each month to give a status report on how things are going. Think I can do it?

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